Navigating the Docs

The Chariot documentation is broken up into three main parts:

  1. Quick Start: Integrating with Chariot Made Easy. This is a guide meant to provide an overview of the integration process and get you started quickly.
  2. Integrating DAFpay: The development guide for the frontend, client-side component that launches DAFPay: the application that users interact with in order to authenticate with and initiate grant requests from their Donor Advised Funds. Both React and Javascript SDKs are available.
  3. Using the API: The development guide for the backend APIs needed to register new nonprofits, submit grants, and query for transactional data and events. All endpoints much be authenticated using OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow. SDKs are available to streamline development efforts.
  4. Implementation Guide: A comprehensive guide for product success; a collection of best practices and strategies for successfully integrating DAFpay into your platform and user experience.