Implementation Checklist
A comprehensive guide for integrating with Chariot API endpoints
Sandbox Key Prerequisite
Before using this implementation guide, ensure that your organization has been provided with a API Key for our sandbox environment. If you have not yet received your sandbox keys, please reach out to for assistance.
Production Key Requirements
All items on this implementation checklist must be completed before your organization can receive production keys. Once everything is complete, please fill out the production keys request form to proceed.
Set Up
Installing Connect
- Install the Chariot Connect (DAFpay button) JavaScript package
- Add the Connect ID to the Chariot-Connect component
- Determine button placement
- Style your DAFpay button
Integrating Connect
- Pre-load form data into the Connect experience
- Completing grant intents
- Determine unintegrated DAF provider preference
- Implement Recurring grants (optional)
Managing Transactions
- Display Tracking ID and External ID in your dashboard
- Implement Update Grant API and grant.status webhook